
Buy. Revamp. Rent. Repeat: For sustainable Lettings success.

With tenancies getting longer and renting becoming a lifestyle choice, tenants are looking for high-quality homes to live in for longer. By meeting this continually growing demand, you’ll achieve higher rents and grow a profitable long-term business. Finding suitable homes to renovate, getting the specification right, and having the finance in place for the purchase and works are essential elements of any successful project. So here’s our comprehensive guide to the “buy, revamp, rent, repeat” system used by many successful landlords.

Nowhere to go: you found a buyer but can’t find a home. What Now?

If you’ve been thinking of selling your home, the idea that you won’t have somewhere to go could mean you’ve put your moving plans on ice. And if you’ve already found a buyer, but you’re having little or no luck finding a place to buy, you might be wondering if your move will fall apart.

The good news is that all is very far from lost!


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